Book Banning Turned Out To Be a ‘Hoax’ in Cobb County Schools

Book Bans in Cobb

The U.S. Department of Education has called the national battle against book bans—which began with a complaint about one of Georgia’s largest school systems—a “hoax” in the days after Donald Trump was sworn in as president. The department has recently dismissed eleven federal complaints on the issue.

“Because this is a question of parental and community judgment, not civil rights,” stated the Office of Civil Rights in a press release, effectively determining that the OCR has no legitimate role in these matters.

According to Cobb County School Board Chairman David Chastain, “This decision effectively halts the stream of complaints.” He went on to say, “The voters and Cobb County have spoken and clearly stated they prefer to keep a school system focused on academics, not a social agenda.”

Some conservative education advocates were much blunter in their assessment of the decision, claiming victory and stating that most of the complaints originated from a very small minority of activists. They asserted, “A few liberal activists and associated groups, like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the local National Education Association (NEA), have a political agenda to control the Cobb County School Board with no concern for the real purpose of schools.”

They also pointed out that the SPLC has made no effort to acknowledge the overwhelming defeat of their preferred candidates in the 2024 election cycle in Georgia. Instead, the SPLC’s website now promotes a new financial campaign to spend $100 million in Cobb County, Georgia, and other southern states that do not align with its worldview. The organization states it must establish a year-round operation to impact elections and force change.

Salleigh Grubbs, the current chair of the Cobb County Republican Party, commented, “While it would be tempting to claim victory in our school system, common-sense parents and residents cannot afford to allow outside influences and groups to take over the Cobb County School System. These out-of-touch liberals are more focused on control than on children’s futures.”

Grubbs also said she could not understand why anyone would object to Trump’s January 20, 2025, Executive Order titled “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling,” which returns control of education to parents.

Cobb and Forsyth counties have led the charge in aggressively resisting efforts to divert their school systems from their intended purpose, according to local political leaders. The first complaint related to book banning was filed in 2022 against the Forsyth County School District. The OCR has now released Forsyth from an agreement it entered at that time to avoid federal intervention.

The Forsyth County School District removed eight books from middle and high school libraries in 2022 following complaints that they were sexually explicit.

Cobb County Superintendent Chris Ragsdale has taken an even more aggressive stance on removing inappropriate books. As of January 2025, over 30 books have been removed from Cobb County school media centers due to their “obscene and graphically sexual nature.”

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the OCR had suggested that Forsyth’s book review process may have created a “hostile environment” after receiving a complaint about book removals. However, the new administration has dismissed these concerns.

Forsyth County Superintendent Mitch Young stated, “Our school system has always strived to provide an environment in which all students and families feel safe, connected, and empowered to thrive.” He added, “We are very pleased with the outcome.”

In Cobb County, Superintendent Chris Ragsdale emphasized, “Keeping students safe is not an option—it is a must in Cobb County Schools.” He further stated, “Hopefully, we can now get back to the real purpose of our schools: preparing the next generation for their futures.”

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