Something is Wrong With Governor Kemp


By Laura Armstrong Monica 8-27-24

The news has broken that republican governor Brian Kemp has turned against his own party members on the Georgia Board of Elections because of their efforts to restore election integrity in the Peach state.

To simplify (i.e. leaving Trump out of the equation):  

A new election reform rule passed last Monday by these members in a 3-2 party line vote is designed to reduce cheating, a goal every honorable board member should support. It’s a legitimate improvement to the system that increases accountability at the most local level, a no brainer that should not even be controversial. The rule is based on America’s Constitutional ONE CITIZEN, ONE VOTE idea and mandates that each precinct in Georgia – precincts are the places you go to vote in your neighborhood — must meet specific requirements when it comes to matching up the number of ballots cast with the number of “unique voter id’s” registered in that precinct. Without this rule, what EVEN is the point of voter registration? 

Stated another way, but still simple: you cannot have more votes than voters. Each precinct must be able to demonstrate, within a couple days, that these numbers show no irregularities, or they will lose the opportunity for their precincts’ votes to be certified until an investigation takes place. No waiting for Secretary of State oversight that may never come, if you get the idea. We’re talking VERIFY before you CERTIFY from the get go, and hold specific precinct workers lawfully accountable for their work. Let’s be clear, this is work that should already be done by the time the people put their cards into the voting machines (which are a whole other story).    

For those people whining about “democracy” this latest reform happens on the most basic level and is about as close as you can get to the People, and isn’t that a good thing? 

But here’s the rub: within days of this bold reform passing, it’s already being contested in the courts by both the Georgia Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee. Nothing telegraphs the Marxist’s need and desire to cheat more than this lawsuit. And sadly, Governor Kemp looks to be boarding THEIR train (by way of Davos, perhaps) as he’s reported to have asked Attorney General Chris Carr whether he has the authority to REMOVE the GOP board members for their perfectly legit actions.  

Does anyone else wonder what in the heck the governor is doing, and more importantly, WHY?

Something is very wrong, and it’s time Georgians start asking Kemp some tough questions.

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