Republican until Proven Innocent: Cobb County School Board

Cobb Voice Republican until Proven Innocent: Cobb County School Board

By: L. Cramer

In today’s national political climate it certainly seems as though being a Republican is a four letter word and it’s no different at the local level. With the left working in lockstep to call Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance, and anyone who supports the Republican ticket, “weird”, their propaganda pushes a certain temperature against any conservative thinking at all.

For some reason, there is a constant barrage of attacks against conservatism as “bigoted”, “racist”, “stuck in the past”, or insert your chosen insult here. But what’s worse is that it is parroted over and over again from opposition media.

The problem with Republicans is that they assume other humans will be reasonable and logical, but we’re learning that’s just not true in most cases. Republicans don’t often hit below the belt because that’s not polite or fair, and yet the left continuously hits below the belt as their first line of defense – and then it simply escalates from there.

Take Cobb County’s School Board for example. Currently, there are four Republicans and three Democrats that sit on the school board and in recent years this has caused a lot of infighting and issues because the Democrats claim that the Republican leadership is “going to do what they’re going to do” and essentially not listen to anyone but themselves – which is ironic.

The Democrat’s on the Cobb County School Board in August of 2021, Jaha Howard, Leroy “Tre” Hutchins, and Charisse Davis were so incensed for not getting their way that they escalated internal issues among the board to jeopardizing the entire accreditation system for the whole county by rallying a group of dissenters in a “torches and pitchforks” style attack through a bombardment of complaints to Cognia, the accreditor of the school district.

The 110 schools and roughly 106,000 students would have been negatively impacted if Cognia pulled the county’s accreditation but the Democrats on the school board didn’t seem to care about that – their only concern was an attempt to force the Republicans to do their bidding. I suppose throwing a temper tantrum gives you tunnel vision…

Despite the effort to subvert the will of the people, because it was the people who voted in the school board members, this partisan attack fell flat after the “special report” from Cognia resulted in a big fat goose egg.

Now, Cobb County Schools have gone through the normal accreditation review process in which they scored a 332 – well above the 253 average Cognia sees among its school districts – and schools in Cobb County are set for six more years. 

But this was never about Cognia or their reviews; this was always about Democrat members of the school board unfairly targeting Republican leadership because they weren’t getting what they wanted. Instead of respecting the election process, Democrats looked to undermine the will of the people in order to push their agenda items.

These tactics are becoming more commonplace from the left and as always Republicans are playing catch up to these efforts which ultimately places them on the defense while being attacked, insulted and ridiculed in a public forum. 

In November, Cobb County is heading to the ballot box as School Board Posts 1, 3, 5 and 7 are up for reelection. The Democrats will push hard to gain control of the school board and if Republicans don’t start pushing back against radical agendas and ideologies that have historically followed a flip, then Cobb could be in for a bumpy ride. It is high time Republicans play to win instead of hope for a participation trophy, especially when it comes to the education of our children.

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