Cobb Election Integrity: Time for some Ass Kicking – Metaphorically, Of Course

By: L. Cramer

I cannot believe I live in a country where a faction of people opposes additional measures to secure our elections. Is this the twilight zone? Am I dreaming? Quick! Someone spin a top on a table to see if we are being “inceptioned”. Okay, in all fairness, I never saw that movie.

Let’s state the obvious: do you have a security system in your home? Why would you use an additional security system when you already have locks on the doors – it just seems like overkill? Except, you want to ensure you are 100% safe and secure.

This concept is not far from the exact reasoning for additional security measures for the most influential country’s election process. Being in opposition of security measures and then blaming “underserved” communities as the reason is both insulting and, quite honestly, racist.

In America, you have to have an ID for everything, even to receive government assistance. But California just passed a law that makes it illegal to ask for ID to vote – yes, you read that right.

In Georgia, there is a concerted effort among the Cobb Board of Elections to ignore Georgia Code 21 2-228, which states: 

The board of registrars of each county or municipality shall have the right and shall be charged with the duty of examining from time to time the qualifications of each elector of the county or municipality whose name is entered upon the list of electors and shall not be limited or estopped by any action previously taken.

Recently, The People’s Audit, an organization that shows you whether someone other than you votes from your address, performed an examination of the August 2024 Georgia voter rolls with undeliverable addresses and found 239,603 voters statewide who are registered at addresses that cannot receive mail. This audit also ranked all 159 counties and Cobb sat in second place for the most undeliverable addresses in the state with 33,640; well, that’s embarrassing.

Eugene Williams, an advocate for voter roll clean up, has unsuccessfully tried to get the Cobb Board of Elections (BOE) to care about election security and integrity only to be met with hostility and flippant attitudes; but what can you expect when one of the members of the  Cobb BOE doesn’t even stand for the pledge of allegiance.

“I spoke on this issue a couple years ago at a Cobb Board of Elections meeting where I held up stacks of undeliverable envelopes I had mailed out using the Cobb voter roll address list which was ripe with undeliverable addresses,” Williams told the Cobb Voice.

“Unfortunately the Cobb BOE was not interested in correcting the problem.”

And they still aren’t as we barrel ahead toward November 5, having no accountability at the local level. “These undeliverable addresses are the type of issues that undermine the citizens’ confidence and trust in our election process,” Williams added.

To add insult to injury, today Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney of Fulton County, ruled that all election superintendents are required to certify elections even if they suspect fraud or errors.

Well, that certainly encourages confidence, doesn’t it? It’s good to know that you get more security at a fast-food restaurant with your order than you do in American elections. When I stop at Chick-Fil-A, I know I’m going to receive a butter biscuit with strawberry jelly, but when I cast my vote I don’t know what will happen between the cast and the count. And that’s just sad.

But there is hope, because I don’t want conservatives to stay home and think their votes don’t matter. Georgia was decided by a razor thin margin in 2020 – some 11,000 ballots. That means we can take this state back and stop letting the mainstream media tell the nation that we are a swing state – because I’ve lived here my whole life, and I know we are not.

It’s time to overwhelm the polls and just get out and vote – don’t whine, don’t complain but use your vote as a way to stick it to these commie (BLEEPS) that want to beat down the good people of this country and make them feel hopeless. The left even beats down their own people if they don’t fall in line.

I want you, yes you, to muster up your best FAFO attitude and march to the polls with determination and pride to cast your ballot and give the left the symbolic middle finger as you smirk on your way out knowing you just voted against their agenda – and take a friend with you.

Now is not the time to feel weak and ineffective, it’s the time to ditch the gloomy Eeyore routine that the right does so well and get excited at knowing we will take back Georgia and we will take back the White House.

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